Project Donations
Donations to the project are greatly appreciated. Multiple research funding requests have been rejected. I am continuing to search for funding both internally at my university as well as externally. Please feel free to donate to help support the project, or even better, if you have contacts or connections with a government body or organization that may be interested in funding this project, please point me in their direction.
I have recently incurred another unexpected expense with the SSD failure. Donations received will continue to help sustain this project. Thanks in advance, and definitely feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Paypal Donation - PayPal email address:
Click the button below to be redirected to PayPal to make your donation. Thanks!By uploading and/or syncing rides and/or using data/visualizations from this site to make or guide any route decisions, including whether or not to ride your bike at all, you are agreeing to release and its developers/owners/employers from all damage claims, injury claims, or claims of any kind related to your usage or other people's usage of the site or any data/visualizations from the site. DO NOT UPLOAD, SYNC, OR USE THIS SITE AT ALL IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS. LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. This message is prominently displayed because this site makes no claims that using this site will keep you safe or safer. Also, you should have no expectation of privacy when uploading rides to this site.